Shout Outs!!
Passion. Dedication. Talent.
We’ve had help from lots of wonderful people in the process of launching Lift Flavours Inc. We don't know where we'd be without the following:
Invest Ottawa has provided us with opportunities to learn, to take our online presence off the ground, and to promote our products. Among other things, we are so grateful for the opportunity to have taken part in a couple of Bootcamps and for the grants we received, as a result! Our relationship continues....
Jordan Danger Kent, of DANGER Communications & former Business Advisor at Invest Ottawa, has been an incredible mentor and motivator in the process of building our business. Thanks so much for your support! #fortyunderforty #furmama
Jessica Rousseau of Jessica Rousseau Design is the fabulous graphic designer responsible for all of our branding. Thank you so much for all of your hard work Jessica!
John Wenzel, professional photographer at jjWenzeliMages, produced the marketing photos that are in our photo gallery and on our social media sites. Thank you John, for the fun photo shoot and the gorgeous images!
Amy Rensby, baker extraordinaire and owner of C’est Tout Bakery in neighbouring Smiths Falls, ON, has afforded us commercial kitchen space to produce our artisanal sea salt blends. She also retails and features some of our blends in her own creations! Thank you, Amy, for all of your support! @cesttoutbakery
Charles MacInnis, Chef-Owner of Hunter's Public House in Findlay Creek is using one of our products on his menu regularly. Hunter's Bloodiest Caesar Rim was originally created as a custom Caesar rim for him and is now available here! Charles is now retailing a number of our blends at the Pub!
Lorraine and Bill Kemp at Fluid Solar Roasted Coffee in nearby Clayton, ON -- thank you for hand-roasting in small batches to create the most delicious coffee that contributes to the profile of our Espresso & Chipotle Sea Salt!
Pat Chan designed our website and provides technical expertise for our online store, website, and e-mail; sometimes even from the other side of the world, while on vacation! Thank you for all of your help Pat!
Kecia Kerr assisted us in the early days with research, administration, operations, and general calls for an extra hand. Thank you Kecia!