About Us

At Lift Flavours, we hand-blend artisanal culinary salts using the finest of ingredients.  We take pride in delivering refreshing, innovative and complex flavour combinations.

We understand that some people are concerned about the amount of salt that should be used in a healthy diet.  It's true that commercial products can contain way too much salt and sugar.  By starting with the basics in your own kitchen and adding Lift Flavours, you are in control.  We combine pure sea salt with herbs, fruits and teas so that you get considerably more flavour impact per teaspoon, while adding substantially less sodium.

Our attention to detail results in products that are colourful and beautifully textured, in addition to being delicious! Our unusual flavour combinations make home cooks and bakers feel like chefs, and make family and friends who are sharing the meal feel pampered.

Our sea salt infusions are hand-blended using premium components – organic and locally sourced whenever possible. Respectful of local, seasonal food, we love enhancing your dishes and adding complexity to their natural splendor with a beautiful and flavourful finishing touch to any plate, or adding a bit of punch while the dish is cooking.

And the bonus?  Your family and friends will wonder how you found the time to attend cooking school!  Please enjoy and send us your feedback.

Who We Are

Leigh Stevenson (Stevie)

Founder, Chief Concoctionist

Passionate about food would be an understatement.  Obsessed with food would be slightly more accurate, and I want everyone else to feel the same way!  Our products are meant to elevate your own dishes and make them pop!  Proud to have been valedictorian of my Professional Cooking program class (2002) at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, I like to approach flavour combinations in unique and sometimes unexpected ways.  I hope you'll enjoy the products we have to offer!

Patti Gibbon (Gibby)

Co-founder, Super-Collaborator

Patti's years of experience and passion for business and entrepreneurship, her love of learning and consistent curiosity, all support the blossoming of our company and constantly encourage us to elevate ourselves. She values community connections and loves that food can be a celebration in and of itself as well as be celebrated. She is not an experienced chef, but feels that using Lift Flavours' products has transformed her into a kitchen hero. Patti is our “Chief Organizer & Problem Solver” and she is also “Chief Bottle Washer” when she is in the kitchen.


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